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Setting up your Node (v1.4.21.1)

4. Configure Linux network device settings

Return to step 1

Purpose: to optimize throughput (bandwidth) and latency for large parallel jobs typical of networks like Q


sudo vim  /etc/sysctl.conf

Press i to start inserting text into /etc/sysctl.conf file
Scroll until the end of the file, and insert the following in new lines at the end:

# Increase buffer sizes for better network performance

Press esc to stop the insert-text mode
Press shift + :wq, and press enter or return on the keyboard

sudo  sysctl  -p

Reboot your VPS


You will be disconnected from your VPS as the VPS reboots
SSH into your VPS again:

ssh root@\<ip_address_of_VPS\>

Enter the root password