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Setting up your Node (v1.4.21.1)

3. Prerequisite software

Return to step 1

1. Use root user for this installation

Make sure you are using the root user as this guide is tailored

2. Update

Run apt update to fetch the latest version of the package list from Ubuntu's software repository

sudo apt -q update

3. Install Git (Optional)

sudo  apt  install  git  -y
git --version

It must show:

git version 2.34.1

4. Install GO (Optional)

Download the distribution source




The project support both AMD and ARM.

KNOWN ISSUE FOR CherryServers in Singapore region, For some of their IP addresses, blocks them and this will prevent you from downloading (wget) the go1.22.4 gzip file from the URL above. To solve this, unfortunately, the only way is to cancel your new VDS and order a new one so that you get a new Primary IP address. I know this because I experienced this when I purchased my Cloud VDS4.

Extract the zipped (gz) file

tar -xvf go1.22.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Move the GO folder to usr folder

mv  go  /usr/local

Delete (remove) the downloaded GO zipped file

rm  go1.22.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Permanently set GO environment variables

vim  ~/.bashrc

Press i to start inserting text into ~/.bashrc file
Scroll until the end of the file, and insert the following in new lines at the end:


Press esc to stop the insert-text mode
Press shift + :wq, and press enter or return on the keyboard

source  ~/.bashrc
go version

It must show:

go version go1.22.4 linux/amd64