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CLI Commands in Quilibrium

With the release of Quilibrium 1.4.17 on May 11, 2024, the node application comes with the /client folder. At that version, only the cross-mint command will be made available.

By Quilibrium 2.0, the other commands will be made available for you to have better visibility on your node's conditions, earned rewards and perform transfer transactions.

2. Cross-mint $wQUIL on Ethereum L1 chain

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Signs a payload from the Quilibrium bridge to mint tokens on Ethereum L1 and prints the result to stdout

cd ~/ceremonyclient/client
qclient cross-mint <payload>

payload - the hex-encoded payload from the Quilibrium bridge with optional 0x-prefix, must be specified

Or if you are running your node inside a Docker container, run

docker compose exec node qclient cross-mint --config /root/.config 0x000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


$ qclient cross-mint <payload>