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CLI Commands in Quilibrium

With the release of Quilibrium 1.4.17 on May 11, 2024, the node application comes with the /client folder. At that version, only the cross-mint command will be made available.

By Quilibrium 2.0, the other commands will be made available for you to have better visibility on your node's conditions, earned rewards and perform transfer transactions.

1. Installation (Optional)

  1. Remove the qclient binary file, in case it exists.
rm /root/go/bin/qclient
  1. Go to the client directory inside the ceremonyclient local repo folder. Build the qclient binary file
cd ~/ceremonyclient/client
GOEXPERIMENT=arenas go build -o /root/go/bin/qclient main.go
  1. Verify that the qclient binary file is in the Go bin directory.
ls /root/go/bin

General Command Syntax

The CLI tooling itself will be relatively simple, and the commands can be run as follows
(assuming a build in the accompanying /client folder rather than go run ./...:

qclient [--config=<other path than ../node/.config/>] <app> <cmd> <param1> <param2> <...>