Internal Documentation >> Rollback
Rollback to 1.4.21-p1 while backing up 2.0.0-p8 binaries
Assuming you backed up the 1.4.21-p1 binaries
# stop the service
service ceremonyclient stop
# copy the node folder and back it up on a new folder inside root folder.
cp -r ~/ceremonyclient/node ~/node2.0.0-p8-backup
# remove all node binaries (expected these are all 2.0.0-p8 binaries)
rm -r ~/ceremonyclient/node/node*
# restore the 1.4.21-p1 binaries into the node folder
# adjust the ~/node-backup to the correct folder where you backed up the 1.4.21-p1 binaries
cp -r ~/node-backup/node* ~/ceremonyclient/node/
# update service config file, and do daemon-reload
sed -i "s/ExecStart=\/root\/ceremonyclient\/node\/node-\/root\/ceremonyclient\/node\/node-" /lib/systemd/system/ceremonyclient.service
systemctl daemon-reload
# restart the service
service ceremonyclient start
# trace logs
journalctl -u ceremonyclient.service -f --no-hostname -o cat
Assuming you DID NOT back up the 1.4.21-p1 binaries
# stop the service
service ceremonyclient stop
# copy the node folder and back it up on a new folder inside root folder.
cp -r ~/ceremonyclient/node ~/node2.0.0-p8-backup
# remove all node binaries (expected these are all 2.0.0-p8 binaries)
rm -r ~/ceremonyclient/node/node*
# restore the 1.4.21-p1 binaries into the node folder
cd ~/ceremonyclient/node
curl "$release_os-$release_arch" > "node-$release_os-$release_arch"
curl "$release_os-$release_arch.dgst" > "node-$release_os-$release_arch.dgst"
curl "$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.1" > "node-$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.1"
curl "$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.2" > "node-$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.2"
curl "$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.3" > "node-$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.3"
curl "$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.8" > "node-$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.8"
curl "$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.9" > "node-$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.9"
curl "$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.13" > "node-$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.13"
curl "$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.15" > "node-$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.15"
curl "$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.16" > "node-$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.16"
curl "$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.17" > "node-$release_os-$release_arch.dgst.sig.17"
chmod +x ./node-$release_os-$release_arch
# update service config file, and do daemon-reload
sed -i "s/ExecStart=\/root\/ceremonyclient\/node\/node-\/root\/ceremonyclient\/node\/node-" /lib/systemd/system/ceremonyclient.service
systemctl daemon-reload
# restart the service
service ceremonyclient start
# trace logs
journalctl -u ceremonyclient.service -f --no-hostname -o cat
Backup your node 1.4.21-p1 again, and then Re-update to 2.0.0-p8 or 2.0.1 once mainnet 2.0.1 is ready
# stop the service
service ceremonyclient stop
currtimestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S)
# back up your .config folder to root directory
cp -r ~/ceremonyclient/node/.config ~/config-backup-$currtimestamp
# back up your entire node folder to root directory
cp -r ~/ceremonyclient/node ~/node-backup-$currtimestamp
# Update your node to latest version
cd ~/ceremonyclient/node
rm rm -rf node-*-$release_os-$release_arch*
files=$(curl | grep $release_os-$release_arch)
for file in $files; do
version=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '-' -f 2)
if ! test -f "./$file"; then
curl "$file" > "$file"
echo "... downloaded $file"
chmod +x ./node-$version-$release_os-$release_arch
cd ~/ceremonyclient/client
rm rm -rf qclient*
files=$(curl | grep $release_os-$release_arch)
for file in $files; do
clientversion=$(echo "$file" | cut -d '-' -f 2)
if ! test -f "./$file"; then
curl "$file" > "$file"
echo "... downloaded $file"
chmod +x ./qclient-$clientversion-$release_os-$release_arch
cd ..
sed -i "s/ExecStart=\/root\/ceremonyclient\/node\/node-$current_version-$release_os-$release_arch/ExecStart=\/root\/ceremonyclient\/node\/node-$version-$release_os-$release_arch/g" /lib/systemd/system/ceremonyclient.service
systemctl daemon-reload
cd ~
service ceremonyclient start
# trace logs
journalctl -u ceremonyclient.service -f --no-hostname -o cat